from __future__ import division
import astropy.units as astropy_units
import numpy as np
from past.utils import old_div
from astromodels.core.units import get_units
from astromodels.functions.function import Function1D, FunctionMeta
from astromodels.utils.configuration import astromodels_config
from astromodels.utils.logging import setup_logger
log = setup_logger(__name__)
__author__ = "giacomov"
# DMFitFunction and DMSpectra add by Andrea Albert ( Oct 26, 2016
erg2keV = 6.24151e8
class GSLNotAvailable(ImportWarning):
class NaimaNotAvailable(ImportWarning):
class InvalidUsageForFunction(Exception):
# Now let's try and import optional dependencies
import astropy.units as u
# Naima is for numerical computation of Synch. and Inverse compton spectra in randomly oriented
# magnetic fields
import naima
except ImportError:
if astromodels_config.logging.startup_warnings:
"The naima package is not available. Models that depend on it will not be available"
has_naima = False
has_naima = True
# GSL is the GNU Scientific Library. Pygsl is the python wrapper for it. It is used by some
# functions for faster computation
from pygsl.testing.sf import gamma_inc
except ImportError:
if astromodels_config.logging.startup_warnings:
"The GSL library or the pygsl wrapper cannot be loaded. Models that depend on it will not be "
has_gsl = False
has_gsl = True
class GenericFunction(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta):
description :
Return k*f(x)
latex : $ k $
parameters :
k :
desc : Constant value
initial value : 1
def set_function(self, f):
self._function = f
def get_function(self):
return self._function
def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit):
self.k.unit = y_unit
function = property(
doc="""Get/set function""",
def evaluate(self, x, k):
return k * self._function(x)
except TypeError:
if isinstance(x, u.Quantity):
ones = np.ones_like(x).value
ones = np.ones_like(x)
return k * ones
except AttributeError:
log.error('You must define a function with set_function!')
def to_dict(self, minimal=False):
data = super(Function1D, self).to_dict(minimal)
if not minimal:
f = self._function
except AttributeError:
f = None
data["extra_setup"] = {"function": f}
return data
class StepFunction(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta):
description :
A function which is constant on the interval lower_bound - upper_bound and 0 outside the interval. The
extremes of the interval are counted as part of the interval.
latex : $ f(x)=\begin{cases}0 & x < \text{lower_bound} \\\text{value} & \text{lower_bound} \le x \le \text{upper_bound} \\ 0 & x > \text{upper_bound} \end{cases}$
parameters :
lower_bound :
desc : Lower bound for the interval
initial value : 0
upper_bound :
desc : Upper bound for the interval
initial value : 1
value :
desc : Value in the interval
initial value : 1.0
tests :
- { x : 0.5, function value: 1.0, tolerance: 1e-20}
- { x : -0.5, function value: 0, tolerance: 1e-20}
def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit):
# Lower and upper bound has the same unit as x
self.lower_bound.unit = x_unit
self.upper_bound.unit = x_unit
# value has the same unit as y
self.value.unit = y_unit
def evaluate(self, x, lower_bound, upper_bound, value):
# The value * 0 is to keep the units right
result = np.zeros(x.shape) * value * 0
idx = (x >= lower_bound) & (x <= upper_bound)
result[idx] = value
return result
class StepFunctionUpper(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta):
description :
A function which is constant on the interval lower_bound - upper_bound and 0 outside the interval. The
upper interval is open.
latex : $ f(x)=\begin{cases}0 & x < \text{lower_bound} \\\text{value} & \text{lower_bound} \le x \le \text{upper_bound} \\ 0 & x > \text{upper_bound} \end{cases}$
parameters :
lower_bound :
desc : Lower bound for the interval
initial value : 0
fix : yes
upper_bound :
desc : Upper bound for the interval
initial value : 1
fix : yes
value :
desc : Value in the interval
initial value : 1.0
tests :
- { x : 0.5, function value: 1.0, tolerance: 1e-20}
- { x : -0.5, function value: 0, tolerance: 1e-20}
def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit):
# Lower and upper bound has the same unit as x
self.lower_bound.unit = x_unit
self.upper_bound.unit = x_unit
# value has the same unit as y
self.value.unit = y_unit
def evaluate(self, x, lower_bound, upper_bound, value):
# The value * 0 is to keep the units right
result = np.zeros(x.shape) * value * 0
idx = (x >= lower_bound) & (x < upper_bound)
result[idx] = value
return result
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
class Sin(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta):
description :
A sinusodial function
latex : $ K~\sin{(2\pi f x + \phi)} $
parameters :
K :
desc : Normalization
initial value : 1
is_normalization : True
f :
desc : frequency
initial value : 1.0 / (2 * np.pi)
min : 0
phi :
desc : phase
initial value : 0
min : -np.pi
max : +np.pi
unit: rad
tests :
- { x : 0.0, function value: 0.0, tolerance: 1e-10}
- { x : 1.5707963267948966, function value: 1.0, tolerance: 1e-10}
def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit):
# The normalization has the same unit of y
self.K.unit = y_unit
# The unit of f is 1 / [x] because fx must be a pure number. However,
# np.pi of course doesn't have units, so we add a rad
self.f.unit = x_unit ** (-1) * astropy_units.rad
# The unit of phi is always the same (radians)
self.phi.unit = astropy_units.rad
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def evaluate(self, x, K, f, phi):
return K * np.sin(2 * np.pi * f * x + phi)
class DiracDelta(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta):
description :
return at zero_point
latex : $ value $
parameters :
value :
desc : Constant value
initial value : 0
desc: value at which function is non-zero
initial value : 0
fix : yes
def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit):
self.value.unit = y_unit
self.zero_point.unit = x_unit
def evaluate(self, x, value, zero_point):
out = np.zeros(x.shape) * value * 0
out[x == zero_point] = value
return out
if has_naima:
class Synchrotron(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta):
description :
Synchrotron spectrum from an input particle distribution, using Naima (
latex: not available
parameters :
B :
desc : magnetic field
initial value : 3.24e-6
unit: Gauss
distance :
desc : distance of the source
initial value : 1.0
unit : kpc
emin :
desc : minimum energy for the particle distribution
initial value : 1
fix : yes
unit: GeV
emax :
desc : maximum energy for the particle distribution
initial value : 510e3
fix : yes
unit: GeV
desc: number of points per decade in which to evaluate the function
initial value : 10
min : 2
max : 100
fix : yes
def _setup(self):
# this is needed to load from
# yaml
for k, v in self._children.items():
if k not in self._parameters:
# ok, this is probably a
# particle distribution
def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit):
# This function can only be used as a spectrum,
# so let's check that x_unit is a energy and y_unit is
# differential flux
if hasattr(x_unit, "physical_type") and x_unit.physical_type == "energy":
# Now check that y is a differential flux
current_units = get_units()
should_be_unitless = y_unit * ( * current_units.time * current_units.area
if (
not hasattr(should_be_unitless, "physical_type")
or should_be_unitless.decompose().physical_type != "dimensionless"
# y is not a differential flux
raise InvalidUsageForFunction(
"Unit for y is not differential flux. The function synchrotron "
"can only be used as a spectrum."
raise InvalidUsageForFunction(
"Unit for x is not an energy. The function synchrotron can only be used "
"as a spectrum"
# we actually don't need to do anything as the units are already set up
def set_particle_distribution(self, function):
if "particle_distribution" in self._external_functions:
self.link_external_function(function, "particle_distribution")
self._particle_distribution_name =
self._particle_distribution = function
# Now set the units for the function
current_units = get_units()
self._particle_distribution.set_units(, ** (-1)
# Naima wants a function which accepts a quantity as x (in units of eV) and returns an astropy quantity,
# so we need to create a wrapper which will remove the unit from x and add the unit to the return
# value
self._particle_distribution_wrapper = lambda x: old_div(
def get_particle_distribution(self):
return self._external_functions["particle_distribution"]
particle_distribution = property(
doc="""Get/set particle distribution for electrons""",
def fix_units(self, x, B, distance, emin, emax):
if isinstance(x, u.Quantity):
return (
return (
x * (get_units().energy),
B * (u.Gauss),
distance * (u.kpc),
emin * (u.GeV),
emax * (u.GeV),
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def evaluate(self, x, B, distance, emin, emax, need):
has_units, x, B, distance, emin, emax = self.fix_units(
x, B, distance, emin, emax
_synch = naima.models.Synchrotron(
if has_units:
return _synch.flux(x, distance=distance)
return _synch.flux(x, distance=distance).value
def to_dict(self, minimal=False):
data = super(Function1D, self).to_dict(minimal)
# if not minimal:
# data["extra_setup"] = {
# "particle_distribution": self.particle_distribution.path
# }
return data
class _ComplexTestFunction(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta):
description :
A useless function to be used during automatic tests
latex: not available
parameters :
A :
desc : none
initial value : 3.24e-6
min : 1e-6
max : 1e-5
B :
desc : none
initial value : -10
min : -100
max : 100
delta : 0.1
desc: a file name
defer: True
desc: a dummy property
initial value: test
allowed values:
- test
- love
def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit):
self.A.unit = y_unit
self.B.unit = old_div(y_unit, x_unit)
def set_particle_distribution(self, function):
if "particle_distribution" in self._external_functions:
self.link_external_function(function, "particle_distribution")
self._particle_distribution_name =
self._particle_distribution = function
def get_particle_distribution(self):
return self._external_functions["particle_distribution"]
particle_distribution = property(
doc="""Get/set particle distribution for electrons""",
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
def evaluate(self, x, A, B):
return A + B * x
def to_dict(self, minimal=False):
data = super(Function1D, self).to_dict(minimal)
# if not minimal:
# data["extra_setup"] = {
# "particle_distribution":
# }
return data
class Log_parabola(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta):
description :
A log-parabolic function. NOTE that we use the high-energy convention of using the natural log in place of the
base-10 logarithm. This means that beta is a factor 1 / log10(e) larger than what returned by those software
using the other convention.
latex : $ K \left( \frac{x}{piv} \right)^{\alpha -\beta \log{\left( \frac{x}{piv} \right)}} $
parameters :
K :
desc : Normalization
initial value : 1.0
is_normalization : True
transformation : log10
min : 1e-30
max : 1e5
piv :
desc : Pivot (keep this fixed)
initial value : 1
fix : yes
alpha :
desc : index
initial value : -2.0
beta :
desc : curvature (positive is concave, negative is convex)
initial value : 1.0
def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit):
# K has units of y
self.K.unit = y_unit
# piv has the same dimension as x
self.piv.unit = x_unit
# alpha and beta are dimensionless
self.alpha.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled
self.beta.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled
def evaluate(self, x, K, piv, alpha, beta):
# print("Receiving %s" % ([K, piv, alpha, beta]))
xx = np.divide(x, piv)
return K * xx ** (alpha - beta * np.log(xx))
except ValueError:
# The current version of astropy (1.1.x) has a bug for which quantities that have become
# dimensionless because of a division (like xx here) are not recognized as such by the power
# operator, which throws an exception: ValueError: Quantities and Units may only be raised to a scalar power
# This is a quick fix, waiting for astropy 1.2 which will fix this
xx ="")
return K * xx ** (alpha - beta * np.log(xx))
def peak_energy(self):
Returns the peak energy in the nuFnu spectrum
:return: peak energy in keV
# Eq. 6 in Massaro et al. 2004
# (
return self.piv.value * pow(
old_div(((2 + self.alpha.value) * np.log(10)), (2 * self.beta.value)),
if has_gsl:
class Cutoff_powerlaw_flux(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta):
description :
A cutoff power law having the flux as normalization, which should reduce the correlation among
latex : $ \frac{F}{T(b)-T(a)} ~x^{index}~\exp{(-x/x_{c})}~\text{with}~T(x)=-x_{c}^{index+1} \Gamma(index+1, x/C)~\text{(}\Gamma\text{ is the incomplete gamma function)} $
parameters :
F :
desc : Integral between a and b
initial value : 1e-5
is_normalization : True
index :
desc : photon index
initial value : -2.0
xc :
desc : cutoff position
initial value : 50.0
a :
desc : lower bound for the band in which computing the integral F
initial value : 1.0
fix : yes
b :
desc : upper bound for the band in which computing the integral F
initial value : 100.0
fix : yes
def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit):
# K has units of y * x
self.F.unit = y_unit * x_unit
# alpha is dimensionless
self.index.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled
# xc, a and b have the same dimension as x
self.xc.unit = x_unit
self.a.unit = x_unit
self.b.unit = x_unit
def _integral(a, b, index, ec):
ap1 = index + 1
def integrand(x):
return -pow(ec, ap1) * gamma_inc(ap1, old_div(x, ec))
return integrand(b) - integrand(a)
def evaluate(self, x, F, index, xc, a, b):
this_integral = self._integral(a, b, index, xc)
return (
F / this_integral * np.power(x, index) * np.exp(-1 * np.divide(x, xc))
class Exponential_cutoff(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta):
description :
An exponential cutoff
latex : $ K \exp{(-x/xc)} $
parameters :
K :
desc : Normalization
initial value : 1.0
fix : no
is_normalization : True
xc :
desc : cutoff
initial value : 100
min : 1
def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit):
# K has units of y
self.K.unit = y_unit
# piv has the same dimension as x
self.xc.unit = x_unit
def evaluate(self, x, K, xc):
return K * np.exp(np.divide(x, -xc))