astromodels.functions.functions_3D module

class astromodels.functions.functions_3D.Continuous_injection_diffusion(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: Function3D

description :

Positron and electrons diffusing away from the accelerator

latex : $left(frac{180^circ}{pi}right)^2 frac{1.2154}{sqrt{pi^3} r_{rm diff} ({rm angsep} ({rm x, y, lon_0, lat_0})+0.06 r_{rm diff} )} , {rm exp}left(-frac{{rm angsep}^2 ({rm x, y, lon_0, lat_0})}{r_{rm diff} ^2} right)$

parameters :

lon0 :

desc : Longitude of the center of the source initial value : 0.0 min : 0.0 max : 360.0

lat0 :

desc : Latitude of the center of the source initial value : 0.0 min : -90.0 max : 90.0

rdiff0 :

desc : Projected diffusion radius limited by the cooling time. The maximum allowed value is used to define the truncation radius. initial value : 1.0 min : 0 max : 20

rinj :

desc : Ratio of diffusion radius limited by the injection time over rdiff0. The maximum allowed value is used to define the truncation radius. initial value : 100.0 min : 0 max : 200 fix : yes

delta :

desc : index for the diffusion coefficient initial value : 0.5 min : 0.3 max : 0.6 fix : yes

b :

desc : b field strength in uG initial value : 3 min : 1 max : 10. fix : yes

piv :

desc : Pivot for the diffusion radius initial value : 2e10 min : 0 fix : yes

piv2 :

desc : Pivot for converting gamma energy to electron energy (always be 1 TeV) initial value : 1e9 min : 0 fix : yes

evaluate(x, y, z, lon0, lat0, rdiff0, rinj, delta, b, piv, piv2)[source]

Returns the boundaries of this function. By default there is no boundary, but subclasses can override this.


a tuple of tuples containing the boundaries for each coordinate (ra_min, ra_max), (dec_min, dec_max)


Returns the total integral (for 2D functions) or the integral over the spatial components (for 3D functions). needs to be implemented in subclasses.


an array of values of the integral (same dimension as z).

static info()
class astromodels.functions.functions_3D.Continuous_injection_diffusion_ellipse(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: Function3D

description :

Positron and electrons diffusing away from the accelerator

latex : $left(frac{180^circ}{pi}right)^2 frac{1.2154}{sqrt{pi^3} r_{rm diff} ({rm angsep} ({rm x, y, lon_0, lat_0})+0.06 r_{rm diff} )} , {rm exp}left(-frac{{rm angsep}^2 ({rm x, y, lon_0, lat_0})}{r_{rm diff} ^2} right)$

parameters :

lon0 :

desc : Longitude of the center of the source initial value : 0.0 min : 0.0 max : 360.0

lat0 :

desc : Latitude of the center of the source initial value : 0.0 min : -90.0 max : 90.0

rdiff0 :

desc : Projected diffusion radius. The maximum allowed value is used to define the truncation radius. initial value : 1.0 min : 0 max : 20

delta :

desc : index for the diffusion coefficient initial value : 0.5 min : 0.3 max : 0.6 fix : yes

b :

desc : b field strength in uG initial value : 3 min : 1 max : 10. fix : yes

piv :

desc : Pivot for the diffusion radius initial value : 2e10 min : 0 fix : yes

piv2 :

desc : Pivot for converting gamma energy to electron energy (always be 1 TeV) initial value : 1e9 min : 0 fix : yes

incl :

desc : inclination of semimajoraxis to a line of constant latitude initial value : 0.0 min : -90.0 max : 90.0 fix : yes

elongation :

desc : elongation of the ellipse (b/a) initial value : 1. min : 0.1 max : 10.

evaluate(x, y, z, lon0, lat0, rdiff0, delta, b, piv, piv2, incl, elongation)[source]

Returns the boundaries of this function. By default there is no boundary, but subclasses can override this.


a tuple of tuples containing the boundaries for each coordinate (ra_min, ra_max), (dec_min, dec_max)


Returns the total integral (for 2D functions) or the integral over the spatial components (for 3D functions). needs to be implemented in subclasses.


an array of values of the integral (same dimension as z).

static info()
class astromodels.functions.functions_3D.Continuous_injection_diffusion_legacy(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: Function3D

description :

Positron and electrons diffusing away from the accelerator

latex : $left(frac{180^circ}{pi}right)^2 frac{1.2154}{sqrt{pi^3} r_{rm diff} ({rm angsep} ({rm x, y, lon_0, lat_0})+0.06 r_{rm diff} )} , {rm exp}left(-frac{{rm angsep}^2 ({rm x, y, lon_0, lat_0})}{r_{rm diff} ^2} right)$

parameters :

lon0 :

desc : Longitude of the center of the source initial value : 0.0 min : 0.0 max : 360.0

lat0 :

desc : Latitude of the center of the source initial value : 0.0 min : -90.0 max : 90.0

rdiff0 :

desc : Projected diffusion radius. The maximum allowed value is used to define the truncation radius. initial value : 1.0 min : 0 max : 20

delta :

desc : index for the diffusion coefficient initial value : 0.5 min : 0.3 max : 0.6 fix : yes

uratio :

desc : ratio between u_cmb and u_B initial value : 0.5 min : 0.01 max : 100. fix : yes

piv :

desc : Pivot for the diffusion radius initial value : 2e10 min : 0 fix : yes

piv2 :

desc : Pivot for converting gamma energy to electron energy (always be 1 TeV) initial value : 1e9 min : 0 fix : yes

evaluate(x, y, z, lon0, lat0, rdiff0, delta, uratio, piv, piv2)[source]

Returns the boundaries of this function. By default there is no boundary, but subclasses can override this.


a tuple of tuples containing the boundaries for each coordinate (ra_min, ra_max), (dec_min, dec_max)


Returns the total integral (for 2D functions) or the integral over the spatial components (for 3D functions). needs to be implemented in subclasses.


an array of values of the integral (same dimension as z).

static info()
class astromodels.functions.functions_3D.GalPropTemplate_3D(name: str | None = None, function_definition: str | None = None, parameters: Dict[str, Parameter] | None = None, properties: Dict[str, FunctionProperty] | None = None)[source]

Bases: Function3D

description :

Use a 3D template that has morphology and flux information. GalProp, DRAGON or a similar model in fits format would work. Only parameter is a normalization factor.

latex : $ K $

parameters :

K :

desc : normalization initial value : 1 fix : yes

hash :

desc : hash of model map [needed for memoization] initial value : 1 fix : yes

define_region(a, b, c, d, galactic=False)[source]
evaluate(x, y, z, K, hash)[source]

Returns the boundaries of this function. By default there is no boundary, but subclasses can override this.


a tuple of tuples containing the boundaries for each coordinate (ra_min, ra_max), (dec_min, dec_max)

load_file(fitsfile, phi1, phi2, theta1, theta2, galactic=False, ihdu=0)[source]

Set a new frame for the coordinates (the default is ICRS J2000)


new_frame – a coordinate frame from astropy


