Source code for astromodels.functions.functions_1D.powerlaws

import math
import warnings
from typing import Iterable

import astropy.units as astropy_units
import numpy as np
import six
from past.utils import old_div
from scipy.special import erfcinv, gamma, gammaincc

import astromodels.functions.numba_functions as nb_func
from astromodels.core.units import get_units
from astromodels.functions.function import (Function1D, FunctionMeta,

    from threeML.config.config import threeML_config

    _has_threeml = True

except ImportError:

    _has_threeml = False

from astromodels.utils.logging import setup_logger

log = setup_logger(__name__)

__author__ = 'giacomov'
# DMFitFunction and DMSpectra add by Andrea Albert ( Oct 26, 2016

erg2keV = 6.24151e8

[docs]class Powerlaw(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta): r""" description : A simple power-law latex : $ K~\frac{x}{piv}^{index} $ parameters : K : desc : Normalization (differential flux at the pivot value) initial value : 1.0 is_normalization : True transformation : log10 min : 1e-30 max : 1e3 delta : 0.1 piv : desc : Pivot value initial value : 1 fix : yes index : desc : Photon index initial value : -2.01 min : -10 max : 10 tests : - { x : 10, function value: 0.01, tolerance: 1e-20} - { x : 100, function value: 0.0001, tolerance: 1e-20} """ def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): # The index is always dimensionless self.index.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled # The pivot energy has always the same dimension as the x variable self.piv.unit = x_unit # The normalization has the same units as the y self.K.unit = y_unit # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, K, piv, index): if isinstance(x, astropy_units.Quantity): index_ = index.value K_ = K.value piv_ = piv.value x_ = x.value unit_ = self.y_unit else: unit_ = 1.0 K_, piv_, x_, index_ = K, piv, x, index result = nb_func.plaw_eval(x_, K_, index_, piv_) return result * unit_
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs]class Powerlaw_flux(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta): r""" description : A simple power-law with the photon flux in a band used as normalization. This will reduce the correlation between the index and the normalization. latex : $ \frac{F(\gamma+1)} {b^{\gamma+1} - a^{\gamma+1}} (x)^{\gamma}$ parameters : F : desc : Integral between a and b initial value : 1 is_normalization : True transformation : log10 min : 1e-30 max : 1e3 delta : 0.1 index : desc : Photon index initial value : -2 min : -10 max : 10 a : desc : lower bound for the band in which computing the integral F initial value : 1.0 fix : yes b : desc : upper bound for the band in which computing the integral F initial value : 100.0 fix : yes """ def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): # The flux is the integral over x, so: self.F.unit = y_unit * x_unit # The index is always dimensionless self.index.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled # a and b have the same units as x self.a.unit = x_unit self.b.unit = x_unit # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, F, index, a, b): if isinstance(x, astropy_units.Quantity): index_ = index.value F_ = F.value a_ = a.value b_ = b.value x_ = x.value yunit_ = self.y_unit xunit_ = self.x_unit else: yunit_ = 1.0 xunit_ = 1.0 F_, x_, index_, a_, b_ = F, x, index, a, b gp1 = index_ + 1 norm = F_ * gp1 / (((b_)**gp1 - (a_)**gp1)) return nb_func.plaw_eval(x_, norm, index_, 1.) * yunit_
[docs]class Powerlaw_Eflux(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta): r""" description : A power-law where the normalization is the energy flux defined between a and b latex : $ F~\frac{x}{piv}^{index} $ parameters : F : desc : Normalization (energy flux at the between a and b) erg /cm2 s initial value : 1.e-5 is_normalization : True transformation : log10 min : 1e-30 max : 1e3 delta : 0.1 piv : desc : Pivot value initial value : 1 fix : yes index : desc : Photon index initial value : -2 min : -10 max : 10 a : desc : lower energy integral bound (keV) initial value : 1 min : 0 fix: yes b : desc : upper energy integral bound (keV) initial value : 100 min : 0 fix: yes """ def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): # The index is always dimensionless self.index.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled # The pivot energy has always the same dimension as the x variable self.piv.unit = x_unit # a and b have the same units of x self.a.unit = x_unit self.b.unit = x_unit # The normalization has the same units as the y self.F.unit = y_unit * x_unit # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, F, piv, index, a, b): if isinstance(x, astropy_units.Quantity): index_ = index.value F_ = F.value piv_ = piv.value x_ = x.value a_ = a.value b_ = b.value yunit_ = self.y_unit xunit_ = self.x_unit else: yunit_ = 1.0 xunit_ = 1.0 F_, piv_, x_, index_, a_, b_ = F, piv, x, index, a, b intflux = nb_func.plaw_flux_norm(index_, a_, b_) norm = (F_ / (intflux)) * erg2keV out = nb_func.plaw_eval(x_, 1., index_, piv_) return norm * out * yunit_
[docs]class Cutoff_powerlaw(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta): r""" description : A power law multiplied by an exponential cutoff latex : $ K~\frac{x}{piv}^{index}~\exp{-x/xc} $ parameters : K : desc : Normalization (differential flux at the pivot value) initial value : 1.0 is_normalization : True transformation : log10 min : 1e-30 max : 1e3 delta : 0.1 piv : desc : Pivot value initial value : 1 fix : yes index : desc : Photon index initial value : -2 min : -10 max : 10 xc : desc : Cutoff energy initial value : 10.0 transformation : log10 min: 1.0 """ def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): # The index is always dimensionless self.index.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled # The pivot energy has always the same dimension as the x variable self.piv.unit = x_unit self.xc.unit = x_unit # The normalization has the same units as the y self.K.unit = y_unit # noinspectionq PyPep8Naming
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, K, piv, index, xc): if isinstance(x, astropy_units.Quantity): index_ = index.value K_ = K.value piv_ = piv.value xc_ = xc.value x_ = x.value unit_ = self.y_unit else: unit_ = 1.0 K_, piv_, x_, index_, xc_ = K, piv, x, index, xc result = nb_func.cplaw_eval(x_, K_, xc_, index_, piv_) return result * unit_
[docs]class Cutoff_powerlaw_Ep(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta): r""" description : A power law multiplied by an exponential cutoff parametrized with Ep latex : $ K~\frac{x}{piv}^{index}~\exp{-x(2+index)/xp} $ parameters : K : desc : Normalization (differential flux at the pivot value) initial value : 1.0 is_normalization : True transformation : log10 min : 1e-30 max : 1e3 delta : 0.1 piv : desc : Pivot value initial value : 1 fix : yes index : desc : Photon index initial value : -2 min : -10 max : 10 xp : desc : peak in the x * x * N (nuFnu if x is a energy) initial value : 500 min : 10 max : 1e4 transformation : log10 """ def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): # The index is always dimensionless self.index.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled # The pivot energy has always the same dimension as the x variable self.piv.unit = x_unit self.xp.unit = x_unit # The normalization has the same units as the y self.K.unit = y_unit # noinspectionq PyPep8Naming
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, K, piv, index, xp): if isinstance(x, astropy_units.Quantity): index_ = index.value K_ = K.value piv_ = piv.value xp_ = xp.value x_ = x.value unit_ = self.y_unit else: unit_ = 1.0 K_, piv_, x_, index_, xp_ = K, piv, x, index, xp xc = xp / (2+index) result = nb_func.cplaw_eval(x_, K_, xc, index_, piv_) return result * unit_
[docs]class Inverse_cutoff_powerlaw(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta): r""" description : A power law multiplied by an exponential cutoff [Note: instead of cutoff energy energy parameter xc, b = 1/xc is used] latex : $ K~\frac{x}{piv}^{index}~\exp{-x~\b} $ parameters : K : desc : Normalization (differential flux at the pivot value) initial value : 1.0 is_normalization : True transformation : log10 min : 1e-30 max : 1e3 delta : 0.1 piv : desc : Pivot value initial value : 1 fix : yes index : desc : Photon index initial value : -2 min : -10 max : 10 b : desc : inverse cutoff energy i.e 1/xc initial value : 1 """ def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): # The index is always dimensionless self.index.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled # The pivot energy has always the same dimension as the x variable self.piv.unit = x_unit self.b.unit = 1 / x_unit # The normalization has the same units as the y self.K.unit = y_unit # noinspectionq PyPep8Naming
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, K, piv, index, b): if isinstance(x, astropy_units.Quantity): index_ = index.value K_ = K.value piv_ = piv.value b_ = b.value x_ = x.value unit_ = self.y_unit else: unit_ = 1.0 K_, piv_, x_, index_, b_ = K, piv, x, index, b result = nb_func.cplaw_inverse_eval(x_, K_, b_, index_, piv_) return result * unit_
[docs]class Super_cutoff_powerlaw(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta): r""" description : A power law with a super-exponential cutoff latex : $ K~\frac{x}{piv}^{index}~\exp{(-x/xc)^{\gamma}} $ parameters : K : desc : Normalization (differential flux at the pivot value) initial value : 1.0 is_normalization : True piv : desc : Pivot value initial value : 1 fix : yes index : desc : Photon index initial value : -2 min : -10 max : 10 xc : desc : Cutoff energy initial value : 10.0 min : 1.0 gamma : desc : Index of the super-exponential cutoff initial value : 1.0 min : 0.1 max : 10.0 """ def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): # The index is always dimensionless self.index.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled self.gamma.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled # The pivot energy has always the same dimension as the x variable self.piv.unit = x_unit # The cutoff has the same dimensions as x self.xc.unit = x_unit # The normalization has the same units as the y self.K.unit = y_unit # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, K, piv, index, xc, gamma): if isinstance(x, astropy_units.Quantity): index_ = index.value K_ = K.value piv_ = piv.value xc_ = xc.value gamma_ = gamma.value x_ = x.value unit_ = self.y_unit else: unit_ = 1.0 K_, piv_, x_, index_, xc_, gamma_ = K, piv, x, index, xc, gamma result = nb_func.super_cplaw_eval(x_, K_, piv_, index_, xc_, gamma_) return result * unit_
[docs]class SmoothlyBrokenPowerLaw(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta): r""" description : A Smoothly Broken Power Law Latex : $ $ parameters : K : desc : normalization initial value : 1 min : 0 is_normalization : True alpha : desc : power law index below the break initial value : -1 min : -1.5 max : 2 break_energy: desc: location of the peak initial value : 300 fix : no min : 10 break_scale : desc: smoothness of the break initial value : 0.5 min : 0. max : 10. fix : yes beta: desc : power law index above the break initial value : -2. min : -5.0 max : -1.6 pivot: desc: where the spectrum is normalized initial value : 100. fix: yes """ def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): # norm has same unit as energy self.K.unit = y_unit self.break_energy.unit = x_unit self.pivot.unit = x_unit self.alpha.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled self.beta.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled self.break_scale.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, K, alpha, break_energy, break_scale, beta, pivot): if isinstance(x, astropy_units.Quantity): alpha_ = alpha.value beta_ = beta.value K_ = K.value pivot_ = pivot.value break_energy_ = break_energy.value break_scale_ = break_scale.value x_ = x.value unit_ = self.y_unit else: unit_ = 1.0 K_, pivot_, x_, alpha_, beta_, break_scale_, break_energy_ = ( K, pivot, x, alpha, beta, break_scale, break_energy, ) result = nb_func.sbplaw_eval( x_, K_, alpha_, break_energy, break_scale_, beta_, pivot_ ) return result * unit_
[docs]class Broken_powerlaw(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta): r""" description : A broken power law function latex : $ f(x)= K~\begin{cases}\left( \frac{x}{x_{b}} \right)^{\alpha} & x < x_{b} \\ \left( \frac{x}{x_{b}} \right)^{\beta} & x \ge x_{b} \end{cases} $ parameters : K : desc : Normalization (differential flux at x_b) initial value : 1.0 is_normalization : True xb : desc : Break point initial value : 10 min : 1.0 alpha : desc : Index before the break xb initial value : -1.5 min : -10 max : 10 beta : desc : Index after the break xb initial value : -2.5 min : -10 max : 10 piv : desc : Pivot energy initial value : 1.0 fix : yes """ def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): # The normalization has the same units as y self.K.unit = y_unit # The break point has always the same dimension as the x variable self.xb.unit = x_unit # alpha and beta are dimensionless self.alpha.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled self.beta.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled self.piv.unit = x_unit # noinspection PyPep8Naming
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, K, xb, alpha, beta, piv): # The K * 0 is to keep the units right. If the input has unit, this will make a result # array with the same units as K. If the input has no units, this will have no # effect whatsoever if isinstance(x, astropy_units.Quantity): alpha_ = alpha.value beta_ = alpha.value K_ = K.value xb_ = xb.value piv_ = piv.value x_ = x.value unit_ = self.y_unit else: unit_ = 1.0 alpha_, beta_, K_, piv_, x_, xb_ = alpha, beta, K, piv, x, xb result = nb_func.bplaw_eval(x_, K_, xb_, alpha_, beta_, piv_) return result * unit_
[docs]class Band(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta): r""" description : Band model from Band et al., 1993, parametrized with the peak energy latex : $ K \begin{cases} \left(\frac{x}{piv}\right)^{\alpha} \exp \left(-\frac{(2+\alpha) x}{x_{p}}\right) & x \leq (\alpha-\beta) \frac{x_{p}}{(\alpha+2)} \\ \left(\frac{x}{piv}\right)^{\beta} \exp (\beta-\alpha)\left[\frac{(\alpha-\beta) x_{p}}{piv(2+\alpha)}\right]^{\alpha-\beta} &x>(\alpha-\beta) \frac{x_{p}}{(\alpha+2)} \end{cases} $ parameters : K : desc : Differential flux at the pivot energy initial value : 1e-4 is_normalization : True alpha : desc : low-energy photon index initial value : -1.0 min : -1.5 max : 3 xp : desc : peak in the x * x * N (nuFnu if x is a energy) initial value : 500 min : 10 beta : desc : high-energy photon index initial value : -2.0 min : -5.0 max : -1.6 piv : desc : pivot energy initial value : 100.0 fix : yes """ def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): # The normalization has the same units as y self.K.unit = y_unit # The break point has always the same dimension as the x variable self.xp.unit = x_unit self.piv.unit = x_unit # alpha and beta are dimensionless self.alpha.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled self.beta.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, K, alpha, xp, beta, piv): E0 = old_div(xp, (2 + alpha)) if alpha < beta: raise ModelAssertionViolation("Alpha cannot be less than beta") if isinstance(x, astropy_units.Quantity): alpha_ = alpha.value beta_ = alpha.value K_ = K.value E0_ = E0.value piv_ = piv.value x_ = x.value unit_ = self.y_unit else: unit_ = 1.0 alpha_, beta_, K_, piv_, x_, E0_ = alpha, beta, K, piv, x, E0 return nb_func.band_eval(x_, K_, alpha_, beta_, E0_, piv_) * unit_
[docs]class Band_grbm(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta): r""" description : Band model from Band et al., 1993, parametrized with the cutoff energy latex : $ $ parameters : K : desc : Differential flux at the pivot energy initial value : 1e-4 is_normalization : True alpha : desc : low-energy photon index initial value : -1.0 min : -1.5 max : 3 xc : desc : cutoff of exp initial value : 500 min : 10 beta : desc : high-energy photon index initial value : -2.0 min : -5.0 max : -1.6 piv : desc : pivot energy initial value : 100.0 fix : yes """ def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): # The normalization has the same units as y self.K.unit = y_unit # The break point has always the same dimension as the x variable self.xc.unit = x_unit self.piv.unit = x_unit # alpha and beta are dimensionless self.alpha.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled self.beta.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, K, alpha, xc, beta, piv): if alpha < beta: raise ModelAssertionViolation("Alpha cannot be less than beta") idx = x < (alpha - beta) * xc # The K * 0 part is a trick so that out will have the right units (if the input # has units) out = np.zeros(x.shape) * K * 0 out[idx] = ( K * np.power(old_div(x[idx], piv), alpha) * np.exp(old_div(-x[idx], xc)) ) out[~idx] = ( K * np.power((alpha - beta) * xc / piv, alpha - beta) * np.exp(beta - alpha) * np.power(old_div(x[~idx], piv), beta) ) return out
[docs]class Band_Calderone(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta): r""" description : The Band model from Band et al. 1993, implemented however in a way which reduces the covariances between the parameters (Calderone et al., MNRAS, 448, 403C, 2015) latex : $ \text{(Calderone et al., MNRAS, 448, 403C, 2015)} $ parameters : alpha : desc : The index for x smaller than the x peak initial value : -1 min : -10 max : 10 beta : desc : index for x greater than the x peak (only if opt=1, i.e., for the Band model) initial value : -2.2 min : -7 max : -1 xp : desc : position of the peak in the x*x*f(x) space (if x is energy, this is the nuFnu or SED space) initial value : 200.0 min : 0 F : desc : integral in the band defined by a and b initial value : 1e-6 is_normalization : True a: desc : lower limit of the band in which the integral will be computed initial value : 1.0 min : 0 fix : yes b: desc : upper limit of the band in which the integral will be computed initial value : 10000.0 min : 0 fix : yes opt : desc : option to select the spectral model (0 corresponds to a cutoff power law, 1 to the Band model) initial value : 1 min : 0 max : 1 fix : yes """ def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): # alpha and beta are always unitless self.alpha.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled self.beta.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled # xp has the same dimension as x self.xp.unit = x_unit # F is the integral over x, so it has dimensions y_unit * x_unit self.F.unit = y_unit * x_unit # a and b have the same units of x self.a.unit = x_unit self.b.unit = x_unit # opt is just a flag, and has no units self.opt.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled
[docs] @staticmethod def ggrb_int_cpl(a, Ec, Emin, Emax): # Gammaincc does not support quantities i1 = gammaincc(2 + a, old_div(Emin, Ec)) * gamma(2 + a) i2 = gammaincc(2 + a, old_div(Emax, Ec)) * gamma(2 + a) return -Ec * Ec * (i2 - i1)
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, alpha, beta, xp, F, a, b, opt): assert opt == 0 or opt == 1, "Opt must be either 0 or 1" if alpha < beta: raise ModelAssertionViolation("Alpha cannot be smaller than beta") if alpha < -2: raise ModelAssertionViolation("Alpha cannot be smaller than -2") # Cutoff energy if alpha == -2: Ec = old_div(xp, 0.0001) # TRICK: avoid a=-2 else: Ec = old_div(xp, (2 + alpha)) # Split energy Esplit = (alpha - beta) * Ec # Evaluate model integrated flux and normalization if isinstance(alpha, astropy_units.Quantity): # The following functions do not allow the use of units alpha_ = alpha.value Ec_ = Ec.value a_ = a.value b_ = b.value Esplit_ = Esplit.value beta_ = beta.value x_ = x.value unit_ = self.x_unit else: alpha_, Ec_, a_, b_, Esplit_, beta_, x_ = alpha, Ec, a, b, Esplit, beta, x unit_ = 1.0 if opt == 0: # Cutoff power law intflux = self.ggrb_int_cpl(alpha_, Ec_, a_, b_) else: # Band model if a <= Esplit and Esplit <= b: intflux = self.ggrb_int_cpl( alpha_, Ec_, a_, Esplit_ ) + nb_func.ggrb_int_pl(alpha_, beta_, Ec_, Esplit_, b_) else: if Esplit < a: intflux = nb_func.ggrb_int_pl(alpha_, beta_, Ec_, a_, b_) else: intflux = nb_func.ggrb_int_cpl(alpha_, Ec_, a_, b_) norm = F * erg2keV / (intflux * unit_) if opt == 0: # Cutoff power law flux = nb_func.cplaw_eval(x_, 1.0, Ec_, alpha_, Ec_) # flux = norm * np.power(old_div(x, Ec), alpha) * \ # np.exp(old_div(- x, Ec)) else: # The norm * 0 is to keep the units right flux = nb_func.band_eval(x_, 1.0, alpha_, beta_, Ec_, Ec_) return norm * flux
[docs]class DoubleSmoothlyBrokenPowerlaw(Function1D, metaclass=FunctionMeta): r""" description : A smoothly broken power law with two breaks as parameterized in Ravasio, M. E. et al. Astron Astrophys 613, A16 (2018). latex : $\begin{array}{l}\begin{aligned}f(x)=& A x_{\mathrm{b}}^{\alpha_{1}}\left[\left[\left(\frac{x}{x_{\mathrm{b}}}\right)^{-\alpha_{1} n_{1}}+\left(\frac{x}{x_{\mathrm{b}}}\right)^{-\alpha_{2} n_{1}}\right]^{\frac{n_{2}}{n_{1}}}\right.\\&\left.+\left(\frac{x}{x_{\mathrm{j}}}\right)^{-\beta n_{2}} \cdot\left[\left(\frac{x_{\mathrm{j}}}{x_{\mathrm{b}}}\right)^{-\alpha_{1} n_{1}}+\left(\frac{x_{\mathrm{j}}}{x_{\mathrm{b}}}\right)^{-\alpha_{2} n_{1}}\right]^{\frac{n_{2}}{n_{1}}}\right]^{-\frac{1}{n_{2}}}\end{aligned}\\\text { where }\\x_{\mathrm{j}}=x_{\mathrm{p}} \cdot\left(-\frac{\alpha_{2}+2}{\beta+2}\right)^{\frac{1}{\left.\beta-\alpha_{2}\right) n_{2}}}\end{array}$ parameters : K : desc : Differential flux at the pivot energy initial value : 1e-4 is_normalization : True alpha1 : desc : photon index below xb initial value : -0.66 xb : desc : break energy below xp initial value : 100 min : 0 n1 : desc : curvature of the first break initial value : 2.0 min : 0 fix: True alpha2 : desc : photon index between xb and xp initial value : -1.5 xp : desc : nuFnu peak initial value : 300 min : 0 n2 : desc : curvature of the break at xp initial value : 2.0 min : 0 fix: True beta : desc : photon index above xp initial value : -2.5 max : 2 piv : desc : pivot energy initial value : 1. fix : yes """ def _set_units(self, x_unit, y_unit): # The normalization has the same units as y self.K.unit = y_unit # The break point has always the same dimension as the x variable self.xp.unit = x_unit self.xb.unit = x_unit self.piv.unit = x_unit # alpha and beta are dimensionless self.alpha1.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled self.alpha2.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled self.beta.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled self.n1.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled self.n2.unit = astropy_units.dimensionless_unscaled def _fix_units(self, x, K, alpha1, xb, n1, alpha2, xp, n2, beta, piv): if isinstance(x, astropy_units.Quantity): return ( x.value, K.value, alpha1.value, xb.value, n1.value, alpha2.value, xp.value, n2.value, beta.value, piv.value, self.y_unit ) else: return ( x, K, alpha1, xb, n1, alpha2, xp, n2, beta, piv, 1. )
[docs] def free_curvature(self) -> None: """ free the two curvature parameters n1, n2 :returns: """ = True = True
[docs] def fix_curvature(self) -> None: """ fix the two curvature parameters n1, n2 :returns: """ self.n1.fix = True self.n2.fix = True
[docs] def evaluate(self, x, K, alpha1, xb, n1, alpha2, xp, n2, beta, piv): x_, K_, alpha1_, xb_, n1_, alpha2_, xp_, n2_, beta_, piv_, y_unit = self._fix_units(x, K, alpha1, xb, n1, alpha2, xp, n2, beta, piv) return nb_func.dbl_sbpl(x_, K_, alpha1_, alpha2_, beta_, xp_, xb_, n1_, n2_, piv_) * y_unit