Source code for astromodels.sources.point_source

from __future__ import division

import collections
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import astropy.units as u
import numba as nb
import numpy
import scipy.integrate
from past.utils import old_div

from astromodels.core.memoization import use_astromodels_memoization
from astromodels.core.parameter import Parameter
from astromodels.core.sky_direction import SkyDirection
from astromodels.core.spectral_component import SpectralComponent
from astromodels.core.tree import Node
from astromodels.core.units import get_units
from astromodels.functions.function import Function1D
from astromodels.sources.source import Source, SourceType
from astromodels.utils.logging import setup_logger
from astromodels.utils.pretty_list import dict_to_list

__author__ = 'giacomov'

__all__ = ["PointSource"]

log = setup_logger(__name__)

[docs]class PointSource(Source, Node): """ A point source. You can instance this class in many ways. - with Equatorial position and a function as spectrum (the component will be automatically called 'main'):: >>> from astromodels import * >>> point_source = PointSource('my_source', 125.6, -75.3, Powerlaw()) - with Galactic position and a function as spectrum (the component will be automatically called 'main'):: >>> point_source = PointSource('my_source', l=15.67, b=80.75, spectral_shape=Powerlaw()) - with Equatorial position or Galactic position and a list of spectral components:: >>> c1 = SpectralComponent("component1", Powerlaw()) >>> c2 = SpectralComponent("component2", Powerlaw()) >>> point_source = PointSource("test_source",125.6, -75.3,components=[c1,c2]) Or with Galactic position: >>> point_source = PointSource("test_source",l=15.67, b=80.75,components=[c1,c2]) NOTE: by default the position of the source is fixed (i.e., its positional parameters are fixed) :param source_name: name for the source :param ra: Equatorial J2000 Right Ascension (ICRS) :param dec: Equatorial J2000 Declination (ICRS) :param spectral_shape: a 1d function representing the spectral shape of the source :param l: Galactic latitude :param b: Galactic longitude :param components: list of spectral components (instances of SpectralComponent) :param sky_position: an instance of SkyDirection :return: """ def __init__(self, source_name: str, ra: Optional[float] = None, dec: Optional[float] = None, spectral_shape: Optional[Function1D] = None, l: Optional[float] = None, b: Optional[float] = None, components=None, sky_position: Optional[SkyDirection]=None): # Check that we have all the required information # (the '^' operator acts as XOR on booleans) # Check that we have one and only one specification of the position if not ((ra is not None and dec is not None) ^ (l is not None and b is not None) ^ (sky_position is not None)): log.error( "You have to provide one and only one specification for the position" ) raise AssertionError() # Gather the position if not isinstance(sky_position, SkyDirection): if (ra is not None) and (dec is not None): # Check that ra and dec are actually numbers try: ra = float(ra) dec = float(dec) except (TypeError, ValueError): log.error("RA and Dec must be numbers. If you are confused by this message, you " "are likely using the constructor in the wrong way. Check the documentation.") raise AssertionError() sky_position = SkyDirection(ra=ra, dec=dec) else: sky_position = SkyDirection(l=l, b=b) self._sky_position: SkyDirection = sky_position # Now gather the component(s) # We need either a single component, or a list of components, but not both # (that's the ^ symbol) if not (spectral_shape is not None) ^ (components is not None): log.error("You have to provide either a single component, or a list of components (but not both).") raise AssertionError() # If the user specified only one component, make a list of one element with a default name ("main") if spectral_shape is not None: components = [SpectralComponent("main", spectral_shape)] Source.__init__(self, components, src_type=SourceType.POINT_SOURCE) # A source is also a Node in the tree Node.__init__(self, source_name) # Add the position as a child node, with an explicit name self._add_child(self._sky_position) # Add a node called 'spectrum' spectrum_node = Node('spectrum') spectrum_node._add_children(list(self._components.values())) self._add_child(spectrum_node) # Now set the units # Now sets the units of the parameters for the energy domain current_units = get_units() # Components in this case have energy as x and differential flux as y x_unit = y_unit = ( * current_units.area * current_units.time) ** (-1) # Now set the units of the components for component in list(self._components.values()): component.shape.set_units(x_unit, y_unit) def __call__(self, x, tag=None): if tag is None: # No integration nor time-varying or whatever-varying if isinstance(x, u.Quantity): # Slow version with units results = [component.shape(x) for component in list(self.components.values())] # We need to sum like this (slower) because using np.sum will not preserve the units # (thanks astropy.units) return sum(results) else: # Fast version without units, where x is supposed to be in the same units as currently defined in # units.get_units() results = numpy.array([component.shape(x) for component in list(self.components.values())]) return _sum(results) else: # Time-varying or energy-varying or whatever-varying integration_variable, a, b = tag if b is None: # Evaluate in a, do not integrate # Suspend memoization because the memoization gets confused when integrating with use_astromodels_memoization(False): integration_variable.value = a res = self.__call__(x, tag=None) return res else: # Integrate between a and b integrals = numpy.zeros(len(x)) # TODO: implement an integration scheme avoiding the for loop # Suspend memoization because the memoization gets confused when integrating with use_astromodels_memoization(False): reentrant_call = self.__call__ for i, e in enumerate(x): def integral(y): integration_variable.value = y return reentrant_call(e, tag=None) # Now integrate integrals[i] = scipy.integrate.quad(integral, a, b, epsrel=1e-5)[0] return old_div(integrals, (b - a)) @property def has_free_parameters(self) -> bool: """ Returns True or False whether there is any parameter in this source :return: """ for component in list(self._components.values()): for par in list(component.shape.parameters.values()): if return True for par in list(self.position.parameters.values()): if return True return False @property def free_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Parameter]: """ Returns a dictionary of free parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it's guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name. :return: """ free_parameters = collections.OrderedDict() for component in list(self._components.values()): for par in list(component.shape.parameters.values()): if free_parameters[par.path] = par for par in list(self.position.parameters.values()): if free_parameters[par.path] = par return free_parameters @property def parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Parameter]: """ Returns a dictionary of all parameters for this source. We use the parameter path as the key because it's guaranteed to be unique, unlike the parameter name. :return: """ all_parameters = collections.OrderedDict() for component in self._components.values(): for par in component.shape.parameters.values(): all_parameters[par.path] = par for par in self.position.parameters.values(): all_parameters[par.path] = par return all_parameters def _repr__base(self, rich_output=False): """ Representation of the object :param rich_output: if True, generates HTML, otherwise text :return: the representation """ # Make a dictionary which will then be transformed in a list repr_dict = collections.OrderedDict() key = '%s (point source)' % repr_dict[key] = collections.OrderedDict() repr_dict[key]['position'] = self._sky_position.to_dict(minimal=True) repr_dict[key]['spectrum'] = collections.OrderedDict() for component_name, component in list(self.components.items()): repr_dict[key]['spectrum'][component_name] = component.to_dict(minimal=True) return dict_to_list(repr_dict, rich_output)
@nb.njit(fastmath=True) def _sum(x): return numpy.sum(x, axis=0)