Source code for astromodels.core.model

from builtins import zip

__author__ = "giacomov"

import collections
import os
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.integrate

from astromodels.core.memoization import use_astromodels_memoization
from astromodels.core.my_yaml import my_yaml
from astromodels.core.parameter import IndependentVariable, Parameter
from import FunctionProperty
from astromodels.core.tree import DuplicatedNode, Node
from astromodels.functions.function import Function, get_function
from astromodels.sources import (ExtendedSource, ParticleSource, PointSource,
                                 Source, SourceType)
from astromodels.utils.disk_usage import disk_usage
from astromodels.utils.logging import setup_logger
from astromodels.utils.long_path_formatter import long_path_formatter

log = setup_logger(__name__)

[docs]class ModelFileExists(IOError): pass
[docs]class InvalidInput(ValueError): pass
[docs]class CannotWriteModel(IOError): def __init__(self, directory, message): # Add a report on disk usage to the message free_space = disk_usage(directory).free message += "\nFree space on the file system hosting %s was %.2f Mbytes" % ( directory, free_space / 1024.0 / 1024.0, ) super(CannotWriteModel, self).__init__(message)
[docs]class ModelInternalError(ValueError): pass
@dataclass(frozen=True) class _LinkedFunctionContainer: function_name: str linked_path: str internal_name: str def output(self, rich=True): this_dict = collections.OrderedDict() tmp = collections.OrderedDict() tmp["linked function"] = self.linked_path tmp["internal name"] = self.internal_name this_dict[self.function_name] = tmp output = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(this_dict) if rich: return output._repr_html_() else: return output.__repr__()
[docs]class Model(Node): def __init__(self, *sources): # Setup the node, using the special name '__root__' to indicate that this is the root of the tree super(Model, self).__init__("__root__") # Dictionary to keep point sources self._point_sources: Dict[str, PointSource] = collections.OrderedDict() # Dictionary to keep extended sources self._extended_sources: Dict[ str, ExtendedSource] = collections.OrderedDict() # Dictionary to keep particle sources self._particle_sources: Dict[ str, ParticleSource] = collections.OrderedDict() # Loop over the provided sources and process them for source in sources: self._add_source(source) # Now make the list of all the existing parameters self._update_parameters() # This controls the verbosity of the display self._complete_display = False # This will keep track of independent variables (if any) self._independent_variables = {} def _add_source( self, source: Union[PointSource, ExtendedSource, ParticleSource]) -> None: """ Remember to call _update_parameters after this! :param source: :return: """ try: self._add_child(source) except AttributeError: if isinstance(source, Source): log.error( "More than one source with the name '%s'. You cannot use the same name for multiple " "sources" % raise DuplicatedNode() else: # pragma: no cover raise # Now see if this is a point or extended source, and add them to the # appropriate dictionary if source.source_type == SourceType.POINT_SOURCE: self._point_sources[] = source elif source.source_type == SourceType.EXTENDED_SOURCE: self._extended_sources[] = source elif source.source_type == SourceType.PARTICLE_SOURCE: self._particle_sources[] = source else: # pragma: no cover raise InvalidInput( "Input sources must be either a point source or an extended source" ) def _remove_source(self, source_name: str): """ Remember to call _update_parameters after this :param source_name: :return: """ if not source_name in self.sources: log.error(f"Source {source_name} is not part of the current model") raise AssertionError() source = self.sources.pop(source_name) if source.source_type == SourceType.POINT_SOURCE: self._point_sources.pop( elif source.source_type == SourceType.EXTENDED_SOURCE: self._extended_sources.pop( elif source.source_type == SourceType.PARTICLE_SOURCE: self._particle_sources.pop( self._remove_child(source_name) def _find_parameters(self, node) -> Dict[str, Parameter]: return self._recursively_gather_node_type(self, Parameter) def _find_properties(self, node) -> Dict[str, FunctionProperty]: return self._recursively_gather_node_type(self, FunctionProperty) def _update_parameters(self) -> None: self._parameters: Dict[str, Parameter] = self._find_parameters(self) self._properties: Dict[str, FunctionProperty] = self._find_properties(self) @property def parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Parameter]: """ Return a dictionary with all parameters :return: dictionary of parameters """ self._update_parameters() return self._parameters @property def free_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Parameter]: """ Get a dictionary with all the free parameters in this model :return: dictionary of free parameters """ # Refresh the list self._update_parameters() # Filter selecting only free parameters free_parameters_dictionary: Dict[ str, Parameter] = collections.OrderedDict() for parameter_name, parameter in list(self._parameters.items()): if free_parameters_dictionary[parameter_name] = parameter return free_parameters_dictionary @property def linked_parameters(self) -> Dict[str, Parameter]: """ Get a dictionary with all parameters in this model in a linked status. A parameter is in a linked status if it is linked to another parameter (i.e. it is forced to have the same value of the other parameter), or if it is linked with another parameter or an independent variable through a law. :return: dictionary of linked parameters """ # Refresh the list self._update_parameters() # Filter selecting only free parameters linked_parameter_dictionary: Dict[ str, Parameter] = collections.OrderedDict() for parameter_name, parameter in list(self._parameters.items()): if parameter.has_auxiliary_variable: linked_parameter_dictionary[parameter_name] = parameter return linked_parameter_dictionary @property def properties(self) -> Dict[str, Parameter]: """ Return a dictionary with all parameters :return: dictionary of parameters """ self._update_parameters() return self._properties @property def linked_functions(self) -> List[_LinkedFunctionContainer]: """ return a list of containers for the linked functions """ linked_functions = [] for function in self._get_all_functions(): if "composite" in function._children: data = function.to_dict()['composite'] # this is a composite if "external_functions" in data: for k, v in data["external_functions"].items(): if v: for name, path in v.items(): tmp = _LinkedFunctionContainer(function_name=function.path, linked_path=path, internal_name=name) linked_functions.append(tmp) else: data = function.to_dict()[] if "external_functions" in data: for name, path in data["external_functions"].items(): tmp = _LinkedFunctionContainer(function_name=function.path, linked_path=path, internal_name=name) linked_functions.append(tmp) return linked_functions def _get_all_functions(self) -> List[Function]: all_functions = [] for source_name, source in self.sources.items(): # look at the spectrum node all_functions.extend(source.spectrum._get_children()) return all_functions
[docs] def set_free_parameters(self, values: Iterable[float]) -> None: """ Set the free parameters in the model to the provided values. NOTE: of course, order matters :param values: a list of new values :return: None """ if not len(values) == len(self.free_parameters): log.error( f"tried to pass {len(values)} parameters but need {len(self.free_parameters)}" ) raise AssertionError() for parameter, this_value in zip(list(self.free_parameters.values()), values): parameter.value = this_value
def __getitem__(self, path: str): """ Get a parameter from a path like "source_1.component.powerlaw.logK". This might be useful in certain context, although in an interactive analysis there is no reason to use this. :param path: the address of the parameter :return: the parameter """ return self._get_child_from_path(path) def __contains__(self, path: str) -> bool: """ This allows the model to be used with the "in" operator, like; > if 'myparameter' in model: > print("Myparameter is contained in the model") :param path: the parameter to look for :return: """ try: _ = self._get_child_from_path(path) except (AttributeError, KeyError, TypeError): return False else: return True def __iter__(self): """ This allows the model to be iterated on, like in: for parameter in model: ... NOTE: this will iterate over *all* parameters in the model, also those that are not free (and thus are not normally displayed). If you need to operate only on free parameters, just check if they are free within the loop or use the .free_parameters dictionary directly :return: iterator """ for parameter in self.parameters: yield self.parameters[parameter] @property def point_sources(self) -> Dict[str, PointSource]: """ Returns the dictionary of all defined point sources :return: collections.OrderedDict() """ return self._point_sources @property def extended_sources(self) -> Dict[str, ExtendedSource]: """ Returns the dictionary of all defined extended sources :return: collections.OrderedDict() """ return self._extended_sources @property def particle_sources(self) -> Dict[str, ParticleSource]: """ Returns the dictionary of all defined particle sources :return: collections.OrderedDict() """ return self._particle_sources @property def sources( self ) -> Dict[str, Union[PointSource, ExtendedSource, ParticleSource]]: """ Returns a dictionary containing all defined sources (of any kind) :return: collections.OrderedDict() """ sources: Dict[str, Union[PointSource, ExtendedSource, ParticleSource]] = collections.OrderedDict() for d in (self.point_sources, self.extended_sources, self.particle_sources): sources.update(d) return sources
[docs] def add_source( self, new_source: Union[PointSource, ExtendedSource, ParticleSource]) -> None: """ Add the provided source to the model :param new_source: the new source to be added (an instance of PointSource, ExtendedSource or ParticleSource) :return: (none) """ self._add_source(new_source) self._update_parameters()
[docs] def remove_source(self, source_name: str) -> None: """ Returns a new model with the provided source removed from the current model. Any parameters linked to the source to be removed are automatically unlinked. :param source_name: the name of the source to be removed :return: a new Model instance without the source """ self.unlink_all_from_source(source_name, warn=True) self._remove_source(source_name) self._update_parameters()
[docs] def add_independent_variable(self, variable: IndependentVariable) -> None: """ Add a global independent variable to this model, such as time. :param variable: an IndependentVariable instance :return: none """ if not isinstance(variable, IndependentVariable): log.error("Variable must be an instance of IndependentVariable") raise AssertionError() if self._has_child( self._remove_child( self._add_child(variable) # Add also to the list of independent variables self._independent_variables[] = variable
[docs] def remove_independent_variable(self, variable_name: str) -> None: """ Remove an independent variable which was added with add_independent_variable :param variable_name: name of variable to remove :return: """ self._remove_child(variable_name) # Remove also from the list of independent variables self._independent_variables.pop(variable_name)
[docs] def add_external_parameter(self, parameter: Parameter) -> None: """ Add a parameter that comes from something other than a function, to the model. :param parameter: a Parameter instance :return: none """ if not isinstance(parameter, Parameter): log.error("Variable must be an instance of IndependentVariable") raise AssertionError() if self._has_child( # Remove it from the children only if it is a Parameter instance, otherwise don't, which will # make the _add_child call fail (which is the expected behaviour! You shouldn't call two children # with the same name) if isinstance(self._get_child(, Parameter): log.warning( "External parameter %s already exist in the model. Overwriting it..." % self._remove_child( # This will fail if another node with the same name is already in the model self._add_child(parameter)
[docs] def remove_external_parameter(self, parameter_name: str) -> None: """ Remove an external parameter which was added with add_external_parameter :param variable_name: name of parameter to remove :return: """ self._remove_child(parameter_name)
[docs] def display(self, complete: bool=False) -> None: """ Display information about the point source. :param complete : if True, displays also information on fixed parameters :return: (none) """ # Switch on the complete display flag self._complete_display = bool(complete) # This will automatically choose the best representation among repr and repr_html super(Model, self).display() # Go back to default self._complete_display = False
def _repr__base(self, rich_output=False): if rich_output: new_line = "<br>" else: new_line = "\n" # Table with the summary of the various kind of sources sources_summary = pd.DataFrame.from_dict( collections.OrderedDict( [ ("Point sources", [self.get_number_of_point_sources()]), ("Extended sources", [self.get_number_of_extended_sources()]), ("Particle sources", [self.get_number_of_particle_sources()]), ] ), columns=["N"], orient="index", ) # These properties traverse the whole tree everytime, so let's cache their results here parameters = self.parameters free_parameters = self.free_parameters linked_parameters = self.linked_parameters properties = linked_functions = self.linked_functions # Summary of free parameters if len(free_parameters) > 0: parameter_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for parameter_name, parameter in list(free_parameters.items()): # Generate table with only a minimal set of info # Generate table with only a minimal set of info if rich_output: this_name = long_path_formatter(parameter_name, 70) else: # In a terminal we need to use less characters this_name = long_path_formatter(parameter_name, 40) d = parameter.to_dict() parameter_dict[this_name] = collections.OrderedDict() for key in ["value", "unit", "min_value", "max_value"]: parameter_dict[this_name][key] = d[key] free_parameters_summary = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(parameter_dict).T # Re-order it free_parameters_summary = free_parameters_summary[ ["value", "min_value", "max_value", "unit"] ] else: free_parameters_summary = pd.DataFrame() if len(parameters) - len(free_parameters) - len(linked_parameters) > 0: fixed_parameter_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for parameter_name, parameter in list(parameters.items()): if or parameter_name in linked_parameters: continue # Generate table with only a minimal set of info if rich_output: this_name = long_path_formatter(parameter_name, 70) else: # In a terminal we need to use less characters this_name = long_path_formatter(parameter_name, 40) d = parameter.to_dict() fixed_parameter_dict[this_name] = collections.OrderedDict() for key in ["value", "unit", "min_value", "max_value"]: fixed_parameter_dict[this_name][key] = d[key] fixed_parameters_summary = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(fixed_parameter_dict).T # Re-order it fixed_parameters_summary = fixed_parameters_summary[ ["value", "min_value", "max_value", "unit"] ] else: fixed_parameters_summary = pd.DataFrame() # Summary of linked parameters linked_frames = [] if linked_parameters: for parameter_name, parameter in list(linked_parameters.items()): parameter_dict = collections.OrderedDict() # Generate table with only a minimal set of info variable, law = parameter.auxiliary_variable this_dict = collections.OrderedDict() this_dict["linked to"] = variable.path this_dict["function"] = this_dict["current value"] = parameter.value this_dict["unit"] = parameter.unit parameter_dict[parameter_name] = this_dict this_parameter_frame = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(parameter_dict) linked_frames.append(this_parameter_frame) else: # No linked parameters pass empty_frame = "(none)%s" % new_line # Summary of free parameters if len(properties) > 0: property_dict = collections.OrderedDict() for property_name, prop in properties.items(): # Generate table with only a minimal set of info if rich_output: this_name = long_path_formatter(property_name, 70) else: # In a terminal we need to use less characters this_name = long_path_formatter(property_name, 40) d = prop.to_dict() property_dict[this_name] = collections.OrderedDict() for key in ["value", "allowed values"]: property_dict[this_name][key] = d[key] properties_summary = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(property_dict).T # Re-order it properties_summary = properties_summary[ ["value", "allowed values"] ] else: properties_summary = pd.DataFrame() empty_frame = "(none)%s" % new_line # Independent variables independent_v_frames = [] if self._independent_variables: for variable_name, variable_instance in list( self._independent_variables.items() ): v_dict = collections.OrderedDict() # Generate table with only a minimal set of info this_dict = collections.OrderedDict() this_dict["current value"] = variable_instance.value this_dict["unit"] = variable_instance.unit v_dict[variable_name] = this_dict this_v_frame = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(v_dict) independent_v_frames.append(this_v_frame) else: # No independent variables pass if rich_output: source_summary_representation = sources_summary._repr_html_() if free_parameters_summary.empty: free_parameters_representation = empty_frame else: free_parameters_representation = free_parameters_summary._repr_html_() if len(linked_frames) == 0: linked_summary_representation = empty_frame else: linked_summary_representation = "" for linked_frame in linked_frames: linked_summary_representation += linked_frame._repr_html_() linked_summary_representation += new_line if properties_summary.empty: properties_representation = empty_frame else: properties_representation = properties_summary._repr_html_() if len(linked_functions) == 0: linked_function_summary_representation = empty_frame else: linked_function_summary_representation = "" for linked_function in linked_functions: linked_function_summary_representation += linked_function.output(rich=True) linked_function_summary_representation += new_line if len(independent_v_frames) == 0: independent_v_representation = empty_frame else: independent_v_representation = "" for v_frame in independent_v_frames: independent_v_representation += v_frame._repr_html_() independent_v_representation += new_line if fixed_parameters_summary.empty: fixed_parameters_representation = empty_frame else: fixed_parameters_representation = fixed_parameters_summary._repr_html_() else: source_summary_representation = sources_summary.__repr__() if free_parameters_summary.empty: free_parameters_representation = empty_frame else: free_parameters_representation = free_parameters_summary.__repr__() if properties_summary.empty: properties_representation = empty_frame else: properties_representation = properties_summary.__repr__() if len(linked_frames) == 0: linked_summary_representation = empty_frame else: linked_summary_representation = "" for linked_frame in linked_frames: linked_summary_representation += linked_frame.__repr__() linked_summary_representation += "%s%s" % (new_line, new_line) if len(linked_functions) == 0: linked_function_summary_representation = empty_frame else: linked_function_summary_representation = "" for linked_function in linked_functions: linked_function_summary_representation += linked_function.output(rich=False) linked_function_summary_representation += "%s%s" % (new_line, new_line) if len(independent_v_frames) == 0: independent_v_representation = empty_frame else: independent_v_representation = "" for v_frame in independent_v_frames: independent_v_representation += v_frame.__repr__() independent_v_representation += "%s%s" % (new_line, new_line) if fixed_parameters_summary.empty: fixed_parameters_representation = empty_frame else: fixed_parameters_representation = fixed_parameters_summary.__repr__() # Build the representation representation = "Model summary:%s" % (new_line) if not rich_output: representation += "==============%s%s" % (new_line, new_line) else: representation += new_line # Summary on sources representation += source_summary_representation representation += new_line # Free parameters representation += "%sFree parameters (%i):%s" % ( new_line, len(free_parameters), new_line, ) if not rich_output: representation += "--------------------%s%s" % (new_line, new_line) else: representation += new_line representation += free_parameters_representation representation += new_line # Fixed parameters n_fix = len(parameters) - len(free_parameters) - len(linked_parameters) representation += "%sFixed parameters (%i):%s" % (new_line, n_fix, new_line) if self._complete_display: if not rich_output: representation += "---------------------%s%s" % (new_line, new_line) else: representation += new_line representation += fixed_parameters_representation else: representation += ( "(abridged. Use complete=True to see all fixed parameters)%s" % new_line ) representation += new_line # Properties representation += "%sProperties (%i):%s" % ( new_line, len(properties), new_line, ) if not rich_output: representation += "--------------------%s%s" % (new_line, new_line) else: representation += new_line representation += properties_representation representation += new_line # Linked parameters representation += "%sLinked parameters (%i):%s" % ( new_line, len(self.linked_parameters), new_line, ) if not rich_output: representation += "----------------------%s%s" % (new_line, new_line) else: representation += new_line representation += linked_summary_representation # Independent variables representation += "%sIndependent variables:%s" % (new_line, new_line) if not rich_output: representation += "----------------------%s%s" % (new_line, new_line) else: representation += new_line representation += independent_v_representation # Linked functions representation += "%sLinked functions (%i):%s" % ( new_line, len(self.linked_functions), new_line, ) if not rich_output: representation += "----------------------%s%s" % (new_line, new_line) else: representation += new_line representation += linked_function_summary_representation return representation
[docs] def to_dict_with_types(self): # Get the serialization dictionary data = self.to_dict() # Add the types to the sources for key in list(data.keys()): try: element = self._get_child(key) except KeyError: # pragma: no cover raise RuntimeError("Source %s is unknown" % key) else: # There are three possible cases. Either the element is a source, or it is an independent # variable, or a parameter if hasattr(element, "source_type"): # Change the name of the key adding the source type data["%s (%s)" % (key, element.source_type)] = data.pop(key) elif isinstance(element, IndependentVariable): data["%s (%s)" % (key, "IndependentVariable")] = data.pop(key) elif isinstance(element, Parameter): data["%s (%s)" % (key, "Parameter")] = data.pop(key) # elif isinstance(element, FunctionProperty): # data["%s (%s)" % (key, "FunctionProperty")] = data.pop(key) else: # pragma: no cover raise ModelInternalError("Found an unknown class at the top level") return data
[docs] def save(self, output_file, overwrite=False): """Save the model to disk""" if os.path.exists(output_file) and overwrite is False: raise ModelFileExists( "The file %s exists already. If you want to overwrite it, use the 'overwrite=True' " "options as '\"%s\", overwrite=True)'. " % (output_file, output_file) ) else: data = self.to_dict_with_types() # Write it to disk try: # Get the YAML representation of the data representation = my_yaml.dump(data, default_flow_style=False) with open(output_file, "w+") as f: # Add a new line at the end of each voice (just for clarity) f.write(representation.replace("\n", "\n\n")) except IOError: raise CannotWriteModel( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(output_file)), "Could not write model file %s. Check your permissions to write or the " "report on the free space which follows: " % output_file, )
[docs] def get_number_of_point_sources(self) ->int: """ Return the number of point sources :return: number of point sources """ return len(self._point_sources)
[docs] def get_point_source_position(self, id) -> Tuple[float]: """ Get the point source position (R.A., Dec) :param id: id of the source :return: a tuple with R.A. and Dec. """ pts = list(self._point_sources.values())[id] return pts.position.get_ra(), pts.position.get_dec()
[docs] def get_point_source_fluxes(self, id: int, energies: np.ndarray, tag=None) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the fluxes from the id-th point source :param id: id of the source :param energies: energies at which you need the flux :param tag: a tuple (integration variable, a, b) specifying the integration to perform. If this parameter is specified then the returned value will be the average flux for the source computed as the integral between a and b over the integration variable divided by (b-a). The integration variable must be an independent variable contained in the model. If b is None, then instead of integrating the integration variable will be set to a and the model evaluated in a. :return: fluxes """ return list(self._point_sources.values())[id](energies, tag=tag)
[docs] def get_point_source_name(self, id: int) -> str: return list(self._point_sources.values())[id].name
[docs] def get_number_of_extended_sources(self) -> int: """ Return the number of extended sources :return: number of extended sources """ return len(self._extended_sources)
[docs] def get_extended_source_fluxes(self, id: int, j2000_ra: float, j2000_dec: float, energies: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the flux of the id-th extended sources at the given position at the given energies :param id: id of the source :param j2000_ra: R.A. where the flux is desired :param j2000_dec: Dec. where the flux is desired :param energies: energies at which the flux is desired :return: flux array """ return list(self._extended_sources.values())[id](j2000_ra, j2000_dec, energies)
[docs] def get_extended_source_name(self, id: int) -> str: """ Return the name of the n-th extended source :param id: id of the source (integer) :return: the name of the id-th source """ return list(self._extended_sources.values())[id].name
[docs] def get_extended_source_boundaries(self, id: int): (ra_min, ra_max), (dec_min, dec_max) = list(self._extended_sources.values())[ id ].get_boundaries() return ra_min, ra_max, dec_min, dec_max
[docs] def is_inside_any_extended_source(self, j2000_ra: float, j2000_dec: float) -> bool: for ext_source in list(self.extended_sources.values()): (ra_min, ra_max), (dec_min, dec_max) = ext_source.get_boundaries() # Transform from the 0...360 convention to the -180..180 convention, so that # the comparison is easier if ra_min > 180: ra_min = -(360 - ra_min) if ra_min <= j2000_ra <= ra_max and dec_min <= j2000_dec <= dec_max: return True # If we are here, it means that no extended source contains the provided coordinates return False
[docs] def get_number_of_particle_sources(self) -> int: """ Return the number of particle sources :return: number of particle sources """ return len(self._particle_sources)
[docs] def get_particle_source_fluxes(self, id: int, energies: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Get the fluxes from the id-th point source :param id: id of the source :param energies: energies at which you need the flux :return: fluxes """ return list(self._particle_sources.values())[id](energies)
[docs] def get_particle_source_name(self, id: int) -> str: return list(self._particle_sources.values())[id].name
[docs] def get_total_flux(self, energies: np.ndarray) -> float: """ Returns the total differential flux at the provided energies from all *point* sources :return: """ fluxes = [] for src in self._point_sources: fluxes.append(self._point_sources[src](energies)) return np.sum(fluxes, axis=0)